Kate Newton


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Welcome to my site! I'm Kate Newton, a journalist and writer new to Los Angeles after moving from Madison, Wis., where I worked as a reporter for Unified Newspaper Group and freelanced for Isthmus Publishing Company. It didn't take long for the West Coast to pull me back, though (I'm an Arizona native), and I'm currently serving as the print copy editor for The Tasting Panel and The SOMM Journal magazines in Los Angeles.

While I've primarily focused on feature writing in my education and career so far, I wore a number of hats in my last position: reporter, copy editor, photographer, page designer and general jack-of-all-trades as part of a 7-person editorial team overseeing five separate publications. It may have been "small-town journalism" to its core, but – like 99.9 percent of newsrooms – dull moments were few and far between. 

Los Angeles couldn't be more different than the rural suburbs of Madison: one is arguably the center of the media world, and the other, maybe the dairy world. But the range of skills I was able to gain there somehow both solidified my interest in telling stories that balance both intimacy and scope, and enabled me to explore new facets of journalism I had only scratched the surface of before. That, combined with my background working and interning in a variety of media fields – spanning from daily and weekly newspapers, to magazine and column writing, to public radio and alternative weeklies – has energized me to start a new chapter here in LA that's equal parts impactful, challenging and fulfilling.

Don't get me wrong, though – I do miss the beer and cheese.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter, or use the form below to contact me directly. Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to hearing from you!

– Kate

